11 research outputs found

    Análisis de inundación de la cuenca baja del Río Tunjuelo apoyado en sistemas de información geográficos en el tramo estación Av. Boyacá – intersección Río Bogotá, con el programa HEC –RAS 5.03

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    Gestión Integral del Recurso HídricoAnálisis de inundación sobre la cuenca baja del Rio Tunjuelo, con aplicaciones de sistemas de información geográficos para el análisis predictivo, con el programa hec –ras 5.03Trabajo de investigaciónINTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. MARCO DE REFERENCIA 3. METODOLOGÍA 4. ANÁLISIS DE RESULTADOS 5. CONCLUSIONES Y RECOMENDACIONES 6. REFERENCIAS ANEXOSEspecializaciónEspecialista en Recursos Hídrico

    Integración urbana del Rio Fucha caso específico tramo 1

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    Estudiar la ciudad desde la estructura ecológica evidencia la dicotomía existente entre el hombre industrial-capitalista y elecosistema. La destrucción de los recursos hídricos en un contexto urbano ocupa un papel fundamental respecto a la insostenibilidad ambiental en las ciudades. Es el rio Fucha la segunda cuenca más contaminada en Bogotá y las políticas planteadas respecto a la integración de los cuerpos hídricos en la ciudad, no representan un papel significativo en la construcción de ciudad, mucho menos en las áreas urbanizadas ubicadas en zonas de alto riesgo no mitigable por remoción en masa e inundaciones. Así el objetivo de esta investigación es develar posibles alternativas para la integración urbana y recuperación ambiental de un cuerpo hídrico fundamental para la ciudad como lo es el rio Fucha, mediante la apropiación que generaría el río como espacio público y centro de las actividades urbanas de sus áreas de influencia.Abstract. Study the city from the ecologic, ecological structure demonstrates the dichotomy between industrial-capitalist man and the ecosystem. The destruction of water resources in an urban context plays a important role respect to the environmental Unsustainability in cities. The Fucha river is the second most polluted basin in Bogotá and policies raised regarding the integration of water bodies in the city, isn´t a significant role in the construction of the city, less significant in urbanized areas located in high risk areas not mitigated by landslides and floods. The objective of this research is to uncover possible alternatives for urban integration and environmental recovery of a fundamental whip of water for the city as it is the Fucha river, through the appropriation would generate the river as a public space and urban center of their activities areas of influence.Maestrí

    Entorno natural de 17 ciudades de Colombia

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    Sociedad Colombiana de Geología, Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturalesp. 34

    Spanish prepositions a, de, en, por, para and their equivalents in the Craotian language

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    Ovo je prvi rad koji se bavi usporedbom španjolskoga i hrvatskoga prijedloţnog sustava te ekvivalentima španjolskih prijedloga u hrvatskom jeziku. Budući da španjolski i hrvatski jezik pripadaju različitim jezičnim skupinama, njihov se cjelokupni ustroj razlikuje. Tako i prijedlozi u ovim dvama jezicima imaju različit opseg upotrebe. U hrvatskom su jeziku prijedlozi vezani uz padeţe i nadopunjavaju ih, dok su u španjolskom jeziku prijedlozi na sebe preuzeli ulogu latinskih padeţa i latinskih prijedloga. Stoga je i upotreba prijedloga u španjolskom jeziku šireg opsega, a njihova uloga u španjolskom jeziku kompleksnija od uloge koju imaju prijedlozi u hrvatskom jeziku. Ovaj se rad sastoji od dvaju dijelova: prvoga, koji je posvećen teorijskim spoznajama vezanima uz prijedloge, i drugoga, koji čini analiza korpusnog istraţivanja. U prvom su dijelu prijedlozi smješteni unutar okvira vrsta riječi (na osnovi morfološkoga, semantičkoga i sintaktičkoga kriterija), navedene su i analizirane neke njihove definicije, govori se o njihovoj funkciji u jeziku i njihovu značenju, koje moţe biti dimenzionalno i nedimenzionalno, te se detaljnije opisuju prijedlozi i njihova funkcija u španjolskom i hrvatskom jeziku. U drugom se dijelu rada opisuju značenja pet najčešće korištenih španjolskih prijedloga (a, de, en, por i para) te se prezentiraju rezultati korpusne analize raĎene na osnovu primjera iz osam djela na španjolskom jeziku i njihovih prijevoda na hrvatski jezik. Nakon analize svakog od prijedloga nalazi se i dio posvećen najčešćim opozicijama izmeĎu pet proučavanih španjolskih prijedloga što dodatno doprinosi razumijevanju značenja navedenih španjolskih prijedloga i njihove upotrebe u španjolskom jeziku. Cilj je rada: I.) navesti što više značenja (leksičkih i funkcionalnih) španjolskih prijedloga a, de, en, por i para, te II.) istraţiti kako se ta značenja izraţavaju u hrvatskom jeziku. Vrlo rijetko se jedna španjolska konstrukcija u hrvatskom jeziku izraţava samo jednom konstrukcijom. U većini se slučajeva jedna španjolska konstrukcija u hrvatskom jeziku izraţava različitim konstrukcijama (ponekad čak s osam različitih konstrukcija).Since Spanish and Croatian belong to different language groups their entire language structures are different. Spanish is an analytic language, so it does not use cases and morphological case endings to determine the noun’s function in a sentence. Croatian, on the other hand, is synthetic, with seven cases and morphological case endings. Precisely because of this difference, prepositions in these two languages have a different scope of use. The aim of this doctoral thesis is: I.) to list as many meanings (lexical and functional) of the five most frequently used Spanish prepositions (a, de, en, por, para), and II.) to explore in which way are those meanings expressed in the Croatian language. The thesis is divided into two parts: theoretical background and the corpus analysis. The first part, which is dedicated to the theoretical notions related to prepositions, is divided into three major chapters. In the chapter dedicated to prepositions in general there is a description of prepositions based on the morphological, semantic and syntactic criteria, followed by the analysis of some of the definitions of prepositions, and finally an explanation of their function in language and their meanings (dimensional and non-dimensional). The chapter dedicated to the Spanish prepositions starts with a short outline of the history of the Spanish language which contributes to the better understanding of the role the prepositions play in the Spanish language. That chapter includes a description of similarities between prepositions, adverbs and conjunctions, an explanation of the connection between the case system and prepositions, and a brief review of prepositions that no longer function as prepositions and other words which sometimes function as prepositions. That is followed by the classification of types of Spanish prepositions and the inventory of Spanish prepositions, as well as the explanations of which words can function as the governing words and which can function as the governed words. Finally, there is a brief overview of some of the attempts to systematize the Spanish prepositions. The chapter dedicated to the Spanish prepositions ends with a description of the peculiarities of the Spanish prepositions (contraction with the word which follows them, grouped prepositions and the so called zero preposition) and the short review of the study of the Spanish prepositions during the 20 century and after. The chapter dedicated to the Croatian case system and the Croatian prepositions starts with a short description of the case system, which is followed by the description of the prepositions in the Croatian language: classification of the Croatian prepositions based on different criteria and the cases with which the preposition are used. The chapter ends with listing the words which can precede and the words which can follow the Croatian prepositions, and a short overview of the study of prepositions in the Croatian language. The second part of the thesis is dedicated to the corpus analysis. Different meanings of each of the Spanish prepositions in question are described by dividing them into dimensional and nondimensional meanings. The description of the prepositional meanings includes the information on which words precede and which words follow a certain preposition in a certain context, because without that information the description would not be complete. The prepositions which can substitute a certain preposition in a certain context are also listed. Each of the meanings of the Spanish prepositions is supported by examples accompanied by their translation into Croatian, which illustrate how a certain meaning of a Spanish preposition is expressed in the Croatian language. The description of the meanings of the Spanish prepositions is taken from Preposiciones: Valores generales by Luque Durán. Since one of the goals of this thesis is to list as many meanings of the aforementioned Spanish prepositions the author of the thesis decided to use Luque Durán’s description because he himself stated (1973:8) that he reduced the complex range of prepositional uses, at the same time describing each preposition with enough detail which enable drawing logical conclusions regarding the uses which are not described. The corpus which is analyzed is made up of examples which illustrate the prepositional meanings described by Luque Durán (and translated into Croatian by the author of the thesis) and sentences or parts of sentences from the following literary works and their translations into Croatian: − Gabriel García Márquez: Del amor y otros demonios / O ljubavi i drugim nečistim silama − Gabriel García Márquez: Crónica de una muerte anunciada / Kronika najavljene smrti − Gabriel García Márquez: El amor en los tiempos del cólera / Ljubav u doba kolere − Gabriel García Márquez: La mala hora / Zla kob − Jorge Luis Borges: El Aleph / Aleph − Jorge Luis Borges: Ficciones / Izmišljaji − Jorge Luis Borges: Historia universal de la infamia / Opća povijest gadosti. The corpus analysis is followed by a part dedicated to the most frequent oppositions between the five Spanish prepositions in question. It does not form part of the corpus analysis and because of that it is not accompanied by the examples from the corpus, but it serves as an addition to the corpus analysis. It is added because emphasizing the oppositions between the prepositions in question additionally sheds light to their meaning and their use in the Spanish language. The Spanish examples are translated into Croatian as to clarify how these oppositions are expressed in the Croatian language. The thesis ends with the conclusions drawn from the analysis which show how certain prepositional meanings in the Spanish language are expressed in the Croatian language. Rarely is one Spanish construction expressed by one Croatian construction. Most often one Spanish construction is expressed by different Croatians constructions (sometimes as many as eight different ones)

    Aplicación de un modelo probabilista para el estudio de eventos de inundación en una cuenca urbana

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    Este Trabajo Final de profundización consiste en la aplicación de un modelo probabilista para el estudio de la inundación urbana en el marco del método de Monte Carlo, donde las variables o parámetros más representativos del sistema puedan ser tratados aleatoriamente conforme a las distribuciones de probabilidad que los describen; esta inundación es producto del agua proveniente de la colmatación de los pozos de la red, por tanto, con el fin de simular este fenómeno, la respuesta de un modelo de simulación unidimensional en alcantarillado es articulado automáticamente a un modelo en superficie bidimensional. La aplicación de este enfoque, implementado en una cuenca urbana de la ciudad de Bogotá D.C. (localidad de Barrios Unidos), compuesta por redes secundarias, mostró que para los diferentes grados de incertidumbre existe, en algunos sectores, un cambio importante en las manchas de inundación y en la probabilidad de colmatación de las alcantarillas.Abstract. This Final Work of deepening consists in the application of a probabilistic model for the study of urban flooding under the Monte Carlo method, where the variables or parameters most representative of the system can be treated randomly according to the probability distributions that describe them. This flood is the product of the water coming from the wells of the network, therefore, and in order to simulate this phenomenon, the response of a onedimensional simulation model in sewage is automatically linked to a two-dimensional surface model. The application of this approach, implemented in an urban basin in the city of Bogota D.C (Barrios Unidos locality) composed by secondary networks, showed that for different degrees of uncertainty, there is a significant change in some areas of flood spots and in the likelihood of sewage overload.Maestrí

    Punta Perla Pacífico Smart City : plan maestro de desarrollo para una ciudad inteligente y sostenible en el Cantón de Puntarenas : Cuadrante 02 Eje Industrial

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    Proyecto de graduación (Licenciatura en Arquitectura y Urbanismo) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2021.A partir de una iniciativa del grupo Pacific Tree Co. S.A de llevar a cabo el desarrollo de un plan maestro para una nueva ciudad inteligente en el cantón puntarenense, abarcando los distritos de Puntarenas, Pitahaya y Chomes, surge una propuesta que bajo el nombre de Punta Perla Pacífico Smart City y un equipo de trabajo conformado por tres estudiantes del Laboratorio de Arquitectura X en 2020, de la Escuela de Arquitectura y Urbanismo del TEC se procede a desarrollar un proceso de acercamiento hacia un posible anteproyecto de plan maestro urbano para dicha ciudad, fortalecido con el apoyo de los profesores y tutores que han guiado el trabajo final de graduación. Partiendo de una primera investigación referente a la propuesta presentada y sus objetivos, así como el estudio de una realidad contextual en cuanto a lo histórico, social, económico y ambiental, se plantea el abordaje de una propuesta que involucre, no solo lo presentado por el grupo Pacific Tree Co. S.A, sino el desarrollo de los distritos involucrados y los sectores o pueblos aledaños a la futura ciudad. Tomando como base los conceptos del Desarrollo Orientado al Transporte (DOT), el modelo de Supermanzanas y la visión general de una ciudad humanizada que vinculada a un desarrollo sostenible, permita a un futuro ciudadano inteligente “smart citizen”, vivir en un ecosistema multimodal de convivencia con más economías circulares y regenerativas. Una vez generado el abordaje macro del sitio e identificado los diferentes sectores que componen la ciudad, se procede a abordar el diseño de clústeres específicos, considerados los más representativos, para ejemplificar y presentar una imagen global de la futura ciudad: Cuadrante 01, Eje Urbano Central; Cuadrante 02, Eje Industrial y Cuadrante 03, Eje de Facilidades Deportivas y Recreativas. Las propuestas acá presentadas involucran no solo un diseño planimétrico del sitio y de cada clúster, sino que, a su vez, presenta visualizaciones en tercera dimensión, secciones axonométricas y volumetrías esquemáticas que permiten evidenciar la toma de decisiones orientadas en la generación de una propuesta que involucra el diseño paisajístico vinculado a los corredores de transportes del DOT y a la implantación de las supercuerdas.Based upon a previous initiative from the Pacific Tree Co. S.A group to carry out the development of a master plan for a new Smart City in the canton of Puntarenas, involving the districts of Puntarenas, Pitahaya and Chomes, a proposal comes up under the name of Punta Perla Pacífico Smart City and a work team made up of three students from the Architecture Lab V in 2020, from the Architecture and Urbanism School TEC, a process of rapprochement is developed towards a possible blueprint from an urban plan for this city. hand in hand with the architect professors and the experts who has guiden this final graduation project. Starting from a first research regarding the proposal presented and its objectives, as well as the study of a contextual reality in terms of the historical, social, economic, and environment, the approach to a proposal is raised, not only what was presented by the Pacific Tree Co. S.A group, as well the development of the districts and the sectors or near towns around the future city. Based on the concepts of development transport oriented (DTO), the superblock model and the general vision of a humanized city that links a sustainable development development, allows a future smart citizen, to live in a multimodal system of coexistence with more circular and regenerative economies. Once the macro approach on the site has been generated and the different sectors that made up the city have been identified, its proceeds to address the design of specific clusters, considered as the most representative, to exemplify and present a global image of the future city: Sector 01, Urban Central Axis; Sector 02, Industrial Axis and Sector 03, Sports and Recreational Facilities Axis. These proposals presented involve not only a planimetric design of the site and each cluster, but in turn, presents 3D visualizations, axonometric sections and schematic volumes that allow to evidence a series of decision-making aimed at generating a proposal that involve landscape design linked to transport corridors of DTS and the implantation of superblocks.Esta tesis cumple con el Objetivo 11 de la Agenda 2030 de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS): “Lograr que las ciudades y los asentamientos humanos sean inclusivos, seguros, resilientes y sostenibles”, meta número 2: “Proporcionar acceso a sistemas de transporte seguros, accesibles y sostenibles para todos y mejorar la seguridad vial, en particular mediante la ampliación del transporte público, prestando especial atención a las necesidades de las personas en situación de vulnerabilidad, las mujeres, los niños, las personas con discapacidad y las personas de edad” Así mismo cumple con la meta número 11.a: “Apoyar los vínculos económicos, sociales y ambientales positivos entre las zonas urbanas, periurbanas y rurales fortaleciendo la planificación del desarrollo nacional y regional”.Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Escuela de Arquitectura y Urbanismo

    El Parque del Centenario en Bogotá: transformación urbana, itinerario y significado

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    El presente trabajo efectúa un acercamiento al Parque del Centenario, el primer parque diseñado y construido como tal que tuvo la ciudad. Su emplazamiento se efectuó como un homenaje de la conmemoración del centenario del nacimiento del Libertador Simón Bolívar en 1883, que también hizo parte de las transformaciones que se presentaron en Bogotá a finales del siglo XIX. El parque fue un escenario que mostró las mejoras materiales que experimentaron los bogotanos, además de las formas de concebir y vivir nuevas experiencias sobre el espacio público.Abstract. This Project approaches to Parque del Centenario, the first park that was designed and built in the city. It was established in commemoration of the centenary of the birth of the Liberator Simon Bolivar in 1883. The park had an important role in the transformations that were present in Bogotá at the end of the XIX century. It was an icon that showed the material improvements that people from Bogota had, moreover it showed new ways to conceive and live new experiences in public spaces.Tesis distinción laureadaMaestrí

    Colonos, comunistas, alarifes y fundadores en Colombia: una historia de la Central Nacional Provivienda CENAPROV (1959-2016)

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    La Central Nacional Provivienda es una organización social fundada en Colombia, por colonos desplazados, artesanos y militantes comunistas, con el propósito de constituir un movimiento social de destechados. Lograron crear alrededor de 500 Centros de Provivienda en 156 municipios y dotar de vivienda propia por autoconstrucción, a cerca de 500.000 personas, a través de ocupaciones de hecho y/o de compra comunera. Con barrios populares autogestionarios, constituyeron una base social y electoral y fueron víctimas del genocidio paraestatal. Con los fundadores sobrevivientes fue posible recuperar sus memorias a través de narraciones orales. También, se buscó reconstruir la historia de la organización a partir de sus archivos documentales. (texto tomado de la fuente)The National Provivienda Central is a social organization founded in Colombia, by displaced settlers, artisans and communist militants, with the purpose of forming homeless social movement. They managed to create around 500 Centers of Provivienda in 156 municipalities and to provide own housing for self-construction, to about 500,000 people, through factual occupations and / or common purchase. With popular selfmanaged neighborhoods, they constituted a decisive social and electoral base and were victims of parastatal genocide. With the surviving founders it was possible to recover their memories through oral narratives. Also, it was tried to reconstruct the history of the organization from its documentary archives.DoctoradoTeoría y análisis polític

    Marcha (Montevideo)

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    "Toda la semana en un día"Algunos años están microfilmados (1939-1948)Disponible en cd-rom (1968-1969)Índices: Índice

    Marcha (Montevideo)

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    "Toda la semana en un día"Algunos años están microfilmados (1939-1948)Disponible en cd-rom (1968-1969)Índices: Índice